RSD Calibration

LiDAR Kalibrierung
On-Site RSD Verification akkreditiert gemäß DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

Certified verification (calibration) of Remote Sensing Device 
• Carried out in accordance to the IEC 61400-50-1 and IEC 61400-50-2, accredited as per
• Conducted at a reference mast, close to which the RSD shall be used during the measurement campaign
• Procedure warrants lowest uncertainties, highest accuracy, and compliance in line with IEC, FGW and IEA
• Report includes "Bankability Certificate"

Preis auf Anfrage
LIDAR und SODAR Verifizierung, akkreditiert gemäß DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025

Certified verification of Remote Sensing Device (some may call it "calibration")
Carried out in accordance to the IEC 61400-50-1 and IEC 61400-50-2, accredited as per ISO 17025
• Conducted at a 200m reference mast
• Procedure warrants lowest uncertainties, highest accuracy, and compliance in line with IEC, FGW and IEA

8.500,00 EUR
1 bis 2 (von insgesamt 2)