Low intensity aviation signal light ICAO Typ B and FAA L-810
• 1x signal light, type Obelux LI-32-DCW-F, intensity 32 cd
• 1x cable to connect the light and the flashing unit
• Compliant to ICAO International Standards and Recommended Practices: Aerodromes – Annex 14 Volume 1, 3rd Edition, July 1999, Chapter 6: Low- intensity, Type B Fixed Obstacle Light
• Compliant to FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345-43E 10/19/95 L-810 Light Unit
In combination with flash controller & photocell PCFL-DC1-TB (optional):
• Photocell, user selectable sensitivity: off, 200 lux, 400 lux, 800 lux (default)
• Flash controller: steady (default), 20 fpm, 40 fpm, 60 fpm (250 ms flash duration)